Who We Are

Our self-image is a concise description of who we are, what we want, how we think and what our goals are at Collegium Bernardi. It reads:n. Es lautet:

Imparting Knowledge. Living Values. Shaping the Future.

At Collegium Bernardi, we combine a challenging school education with a holistic upbringing and personality development for girls and boys. We are guided by Christian values such as respect, openness, tolerance and humanity. In the security of the school community, young people receive individual support and find further opportunities for development - cultural, sporting and social - in addition to the challenges of the lessons;

We support young people, regardless of their religious affiliation, on their path to the future. We also create space for encounters and dialogue - and therefore every opportunity to develop personalities. 

Our schools are open to the public and the private grammar school offers an internationally recognised qualification.

Our Mission Statement

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COLLEGIUM-BERNARDI_Schüler im Speisesaal 1_A-Lamprecht

This mission statement sets out our vision with goals and ideas and provides a reliable orientation framework for the future development of our public schools. In addition, the mission statement promotes cooperation within Collegium Bernardi and consolidates the "Mehrerau identity". 

Our Vision
Tradition. Innovation. Change. Being a “Mehrerauer*in” is a way of life. Our pupils develop individual personalities to enable them to change the world.

Who We Are
We are Catholic public schools with public status and a boarding school under the auspices of the Cistercian Abbey of Wettingen-Mehrerau. 
The basis of our shared living space of school and boarding school is a coexistence based on Christian values with openness to other cultures. We are committed to a climate of appreciation and respectful interaction with one another.

We are an educational institution with two main tasks

  • Education as a learning process - from a basic education in primary school leading to higher education qualification in secondary school
  • Education as personal development

We attach great importance to personal responsibility, the ability to contribute to society as a responsible individual and to social action.

What We Offer

  • One primary school
  • Two grammar school long forms concluding with the school-leaving examination:
    * Grammar school
    * Grammar school with a focus on sport to promote talent together with cooperation partners

We offer various forms of day care, thereby creating a learning environment in which goal-oriented learning is possible. 

A wide range of leisure activities promotes the development of our pupils. Pursuing interests with joy, relaxation, but also targeted promotion of talents find their place. 

What We Stand for

  • By treating ourselves with respect, we respect everyone around us. Openness and contact with our environment are important to us.
  • Living in a community promotes the development of social skills. One focus is on the socialisation requirements of children and young people.
  • Upbringing and education are a joint task of parents and school. Our pupils show a willingness to achieve.
  • We consider personal responsibility and teamwork to be essential skills.
  • We encourage a willingness to learn and invest in the knowledge and qualifications of our educators, teachers and trainers. Teamwork and project-oriented working are important to us.
  • Constructive co-operation in all areas of the company ensures a continuous development process.
  • Everyone involved makes an active contribution to achieving our goals.