Classrooms & Co.

Modern equipment in a traditional guise

A Sustainable...

A modern ventilation system with a heat recovery process makes the Collegium Bernardi an energy-saving facility. In addition, the building is designed in such a way that only a minimum amount of electricity is required for lighting. 

... and Barrier-Free School

Our schools are open to all pupils. The elevator system provides barrier-free access to all classrooms for physically impaired pupils.

Modern Classrooms

Each classroom is equipped with a PC, projector, loudspeaker system and internet connection. This enables the use and integration of new media in the classroom.

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Multimedia School Library

The multimedia library in the former "glass palace" of the Collegium Bernardi consists of thousands of books, magazines and digital media units. Thanks to the flexible furnishings, even entire classes can work here together or in groups. The library can also be used for conferences and meetings, parents' evenings, readings and project presentations for up to 80 people.

In our popular "reading mentors" project, secondary school pupils read stories to primary school pupils.


Our Gyms and Outdoor (Sports) Facilities

A quadruple gymnasium and spacious outdoor facilities offer the best conditions for sports lessons and various leisure activities.


 Pupils from the football academy train at our sports facilities. 


Sports lessons with national handball goalkeeper.


Free time in our exercise park.


During supervision times, the pupils enjoy going to Lake Constance.


Sportunterricht mit Handball-National-Tormann.
Freizeit in unserem Bewegungspark.
In den Betreuungszeiten gehen die Schüler*innen gerne an den Bodensee.
Schüler*innen der Fußballakademie trainieren in unseren Sportanlagen.

Diverse Special Classrooms

Special classrooms such as the well-equipped physics-chemistry laboratory, or rooms for music, drawing and handicrafts enable modern teaching. The school also has two IT rooms and the day care area is supplemented by PC learning islands.

Kreativität fördern wir im Werkunterricht.
Interessante Experimente im Physikunterricht: die glühende Essiggurke.
Wissen um die Informationstechnologie erlernen die Kinder ebenfalls an unseren Schulen.
Gemeinsam musizieren fördert nicht nur Kreativität, es stärkt auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl.
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